
Philipsburg Elks Lodge: BPOE #1173

Our Elks Lodge currently stands as one of the largest lodges in the United States. Our Lodge was established in 1909, originally on 2nd St of Philipsburg, Pa. In 2009 we merged with the Philipsburg Country Club & built a brand new lodge to sustain the substantial growth of our organization.

About our Elks Lodge

Just 30 minutes from Penn State University, we are one of the largest Elks Lodges in the United States! The Elks exist only in the United States but there are thousands of Elks Lodges across the Country! Other Local lodges closes to us are the Tyrone Elks, State College Elks, Bellefonte Elks, and many more!

We are a unique Elks lodge. Not only having a beautiful facility but having many paid employees running our daily operations. Most Elks lodges are run on volunteers and are much smaller operations. We are one of a few Elks lodges to have a restaurant open to the public, however our bar is still private and reserved to Elks members only.

What does our Elks Lodge do?

Our organization is dedicated to building community & connection amongst our members of the Philipsburg area. We invest in our communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug free, We spread American Patriotism, Meet the Needs of today’s Veterans, and more!

We regularly hold events to support Charitable Organizations, High School Sports, Honor our friends who have passed, and just to have fun! Organizations that host events here include the Emily Whitehead Foundation, Pennsylvania State Police, Philipsburg-Osceola High School Sporting Events & Team Fundraisers, and Many More!

Our Lodge History

Our lodge opened in 1909 on 2nd street in Philipsburg, Pa. Over the past 100 years our lodge has grown in size substantially. In 2008 we finalized a merger between ourselves and the Philipsburg Country Club. Through this we merged our daily operations and built a new lodge & clubhouse just above Cold Stream Dam along Rt. 322 towards State College, Pa.

In recent years (2023-2024), our lodge has also voted on a merger with the Elks Lodge of State College, Pa. Our lodge voted against the merger and chose to stay independent of the State College lode.

Who can join an Elks Lodge?

Anyone 21 years of age and older is welcome to join! Our lodge is made up of small town people who enjoy socializing with others. If you are a veteran, enjoy helping others, connect with others, or love America, you are perfect to be an Elk member. 

Anyone can join as long as you are 21 years of age, both men & women are welcome! Elks members receive access to every Elks Lodge across the country, not just ours!

The mission of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks (B.P.O.E)

To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its Members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs, demonstrating that Elks Care and Elks Share. Learn more at Elks.org

History of the Elks Organization as a whole

Originally founded in New York City on February 16, 1868, there are now over 2000 Elks Lodge’s across the United States. Elks lodges are known for their dedication to their community including various charitable activities, veteran’s services, youth programs. As well as hosting a variety of events and activities that foster community spirit and patriotism. All Elks members must be 21 years of age or older.

How to join our Elks Lodge

An Elks membership not only grants you access to our local lodge, but it also grants you access to every Elks Lodge across the United States. Learn more about Elks memberships at our lodge.

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