Member Only Golf Leagues
We prioritize our golf members. During league times, our golf course is closed to ALL public play. Please call the pro shop ahead of showing up to ensure there is no member league happening.
Thursday Night Mens League
Starting in the spring our mens league plays every Thursday Night lasting through the end of August. Our league is composed of 6 teams, 4 players from each team compete weekly to earn points for their team. Golfers participating shotgun start a 9 hole round at 6pm.
Note: Golf Course is closed during mens leagues, all other golfers must be off the golf course by 5:30pm.
Mulligan Tuesday
Tuesday Nights is Mulligan Tuesday League. Play begins at 5:15pm as a shotgun start, playing nearly every Tuesday all year long. This is not a club sanctioned league and non-golf members are allowed to participate.
Note: Golf Course is closed to the Public during this time. Golf members may still play on their own but Mulligan Tuesday has course priority
Ladies Night
Ladies Night is traditionally held on Tuesday nights. No official league is held but Ladies get together on Tuesdays to play a 9 hole round of golf. Teeing off at 5:30pm after Mulligan Tuesday.
Weekend Golf Leagues
Saturday and Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 our members play weekly in their own leagues. Enjoy golf with unique scoring formats and random pairings to keep some variety. Not interested in participating, no problem. Enjoy your round of golf with your own group, our golf course is reserved for members only until 2pm.
Winter Simulator Leagues
During the winter when our course is closed, Mulligan Tuesday League moves indoors. Tuesday and Thursdays golf members participate in a simulator league, available only to golf members at $25 per hour, per individual. Limited to 8 people at a time, 4 per simulator.
Reserved Exclusively for Members
During our member leagues, our golf course is reserved exclusively for members. On Tuesdays and Thursdays all public play must to be off the golf course by 5:00pm. Saturdays and Sundays, no public play is allowed before 2pm.
On weekends, a golf member may bring along guests before 2pm with a tee time made in the pro shop. Click to see the golf membership that best works for you.