
Exalted Ruler of Philipsburg Elks Lodge

Diane Twist

The 2024 Exalted Ruler is Diane Twist. Diane is the 3rd exalted ruler in her immediate family. First her Husband, then her Son, and now Diane is taking her turn to serve the Lodge. This photo was taken of Diane during her visit to Grand Lodge in Austin, Texas.

Diane Twist: 2024 Philipsburg Elks Exalted Ruler

What is an Exalted Ruler?

The Exalted Ruler is the President and Executive Officer of the lodge. They are responsible for overseeing all lodge activities, ensuring that they align with the mission and values of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (B.P.O.E.). This includes presiding over lodge meetings, setting agendas, and ensuring proper parliamentary procedures are followed.

What does it mean to be an Exalted Ruler?

Being an Exalted Ruler is a position of honor and responsibility. It signifies a member’s commitment to the values of the Elks, which include charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity. The role requires strong leadership skills, dedication, and the ability to inspire and manage a diverse group of members.

What is the Exalted Ruler responsible for?

The exalted ruler is responsible for appointing committee chairs and other officials to help with Elks Lodge duties and operations. Each year during the elections, Trustees, Officers, and Appointees all change rules and assume a different position within the lodge.

Community Representation

As the public face of the lodge, the ER represents the lodge at community events, district meetings, and national conventions. They are responsible for promoting the lodge’s activities and charitable efforts to the broader community.

Committee Oversight

The ER appoints and supervises various committees within the lodge, ensuring that they function effectively and contribute to the lodge’s goals. Committees might include membership, charity, events, and community service.

How to Become an Exalted Ruler

To become an Exalted Ruler, a member must be nominated and elected by their peers. Candidates typically have a history of active participation in lodge activities and have previously served in other leadership roles within the lodge. The journey to becoming an ER involves understanding the lodge’s operations, building relationships, and demonstrating a commitment to the Elks’ principles.

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